Exam & Assessment Results
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End of Key Stage 2 Data – Risley Avenue School 2019
Expected Standard |
National |
Higher Level |
National |
Expected Progress Measure |
Mathematics |
77% |
79% |
18% |
27% |
-0.5 Average |
Writing |
86% |
78% |
33% |
20% |
+3.2 Well above Average |
Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation |
70% |
78% |
30% |
36% |
N/A |
Reading |
58% |
73% |
15% |
27% |
-2.3 Below Average |
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined |
54% |
65% |
7% |
11% |
N/A |
End of Key Stage 2 Data – Risley Avenue School 2019
*Note that schools are now given a progress measure. The minimum (floor) standard is -5 for reading, -5 for maths and -7 for writing;
A score of 0 means a school is achieving at the same standard as similar schools nationally; a number above means they are above and a minus number means below similar schools nationally.