Risley Avenue

School Curriculum 

The Risley Curriculum Statement

 We use a holistic pedagogy, engaging head, heart and hands.  Which brings community into the curriculum and the real world into our school and pupils’ lives. The framework of head, heart and hands illustrates pupils progressing from knowing to caring to loving to doing.


Essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated global citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement


In an atmosphere of mutual respect, pupils develop a sense of self, through attending to their own and others emotional, physical and mental well-being. By doing so, children develop resilience, embrace diversity and demonstrate shared values with a sense of pride.


Setting the foundation for future lifelong learning with a high focus on essential literacy and mathematical skills. We also offer a wide range of learning opportunities, which develop key skills for example, leadership, teamwork and problem solving. By recognising and nurturing individual talents. We transcend the framework of the national curriculum through providing a myriad of enrichment and extracurricular experiences.

There are no limits!

Subject Statements


Vision and Rationale

We believe that reading is at the centre of learning.

We aim to support and challenge every pupil in order to prepare him or her for the wider world.

Through irresistible learning opportunities, we prepare our pupils to grow into responsible, respectable, independent citizens:

  •  Every child a thinker
  •  Every child a reader
  •  Every child a writer  

What is the rationale behind the English curriculum in the school

 At Risley, we follow the Power of Reading approach.  This underpins the teaching of English with quality literature and offers opportunities for writing across all subjects.  This tried and tested approach provides ideas, inspiration and structure for our literacy curriculum, raises literacy standards and develops a love of reading and writing across all key stages.

Strategies and Approaches

EYFS and KS1



Guided Reading

Home Readers

Power of Reading


Fresh Start Phonics (intervention)

Destination Reader

Home/School Reading

Power of Reading




Overview of teaching and learning English at Risley.

At Risley Primary we believe that language and literacy are fundamental elements to the overall development of every child.

Literacy underpins the school curriculum by developing students’ abilities to speak, listen, read and write for a wide range of purposes, using language to learn and communicate, to think, explore and organise. Helping students to express themselves clearly orally and in writing, enhances and enriches teaching and learning in all subjects.

As a school, we aim to deliver quality teaching of basic and higher order reading, writing and listening skills; which will enable children to become confident and successful learners, achieving their full potential. 

Planning English lessons

We are following the Power of Reading project which is in line with the national curriculum. This is a school development project which enhances children’s pleasure in reading and raises attainment in both reading and writing. The project focuses on using creative teaching approaches when exploring books; creating a teaching sequence where children are immersed in the world of the book by using reading aloud, drama, art, music and dance. This leads to increased enjoyment as a result of their knowledge of and involvement with the book.

Speaking and listening 

Talk is our main means of communication in everyday life and is fundamental to the development of understanding. We want our students to develop increasing confidence and competence in speaking and listening so that they are able to: 

  • clarify and express their ideas and explain their thinking; 
  • adapt their speech to a widening range of circumstances, including paired and group discussions and speaking to a larger audience;
  • use varied and specialised vocabulary; 
  • speak for a range of purposes e.g. to narrate, to analyse, to explain, to reflect and evaluate; 
  • listen with understanding and respond sensitively and appropriately. 


We want our students to enjoy reading, to be able to use their reading to help them learn and to develop increasing confidence and competence in reading, so that they are able to:

  • read fluently, accurately and with understanding; 
  • become independent and critical readers and make informed and appropriate choices; 
  • select information from a wide range of texts and sources including print, media and ICT and to evaluate those sources;
  • apply techniques such as skimming, scanning, and text-marking effectively in order to research and appraise texts. 


Many lessons include and depend on written communication. We want our students to develop increasing confidence and competence in writing, so that they are able to:  

  • write in a widening variety of forms for different purposes e.g. to interpret, evaluate, explain, analyse and explore;
  • develop ideas and communicate meaning to a reader using wide-ranging and technical vocabulary and an effective style, organising and structuring sentences grammatically and whole texts coherently;
  • present their writing clearly using accurate punctuation, correct spelling and legible handwriting; 
  • apply word processing conventions and understand the principles of authoring multi-media text. 

Speaking and listening

In our teaching we should provide planned opportunities across the curriculum for students to engage in purposeful talk, both formally and informally.

In planning for talk we should consider pace and timing so that purposeful talk is maintained. 

Whilst teacher exposition is essential we should take account of demands on concentration to ensure that students are required to listen for realistic lengths of time.

We should give students regular opportunities to speak and listen in the following contexts: 

  • in pairs with a working partner; 
  • in small groups with opportunities to take on the roles of chair or scribe; 
  • with the teacher or another adult; 
  • in whole class discussions; 
  • presentations to a wider audience, in class, assemblies; 
  • working in focussed groups in the language room; 
  • At Risley Avenue Primary School we believe that learning to write legibly and efficiently with accurate spelling is a vital skill for all to achieve. Our aim is to work hard to inspire everyone to be effective writers in all situations with presentation and accuracy. Good spelling and good handwriting go together. Good spellers look carefully at words and it is through visual familiarity that they learn the probability of certain letters occurring together before writing them in a well-formed legible style of handwriting. 


Spelling is a tool which aids freedom in writing and can have a profound impact on a writer’s self image. Being able to spell correctly is an important skill which all children should be taught in a systematic and effective manner within the context of meaningful writing. Accurate spelling implies consideration for the reader and also recognises the deeply embedded notions about correctness which we hold as a society about spelling.


Handwriting is a skill which, like reading and spelling, affects written communication across the curriculum. It should be taught directly by demonstration, explanation and practice; on a weekly basis.

Curriculum Map for English


 Vision and Rationale

We aim to make Maths exciting for our pupils by ensuring they have access to a high quality curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. We are committed to working towards a mastery approach that enables all children to achieve in Maths, regardless of their starting point.

We ensure that children are fully developed as independent learners with inquisitive minds who have secured mathematical foundations. We provide our pupils with a variety of opportunities, which will enable them to make the connections needed in real life situations and help them achieve greater levels of understanding.

Through careful questioning and collaborative work, we hope to develop children’s ability to think critically. We encourage children to articulate and discuss their cognitive thinking. All teaching staff use the White Rose Maths and Collins Busy Ant Schemes to support the teaching of Maths. In addition to this, they use high quality teaching resources such as NRICH and NCETM (Maths Hub).

By the end of Year 6, we ensure our pupils are fluent in all four operations (+, -, x, ÷) to enable them to solve problems involving long multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages.  We make every effort to ensure our pupils reach or exceed their full potential before they leave Risley in Year 6. 

Using the Programmes of Study from the National Curriculum for Teaching Mathematics at Risley, it is our aim to develop:

  • a positive attitude towards mathematics
  • competence and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills
  • an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.
  • initiative and an ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others
  • an ability to communicate mathematics
  • an ability to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum and in real life
  • an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment

At Risley the aim of teaching of maths is to develop the children’s use of knowledge and skills in order to solve a range of problems through reasoning, using and applying and fluency. We teach maths using learning objectives to meet the requirements of the new National Curriculum and the Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals.

Foundation Stage

In Reception, mathematics is taught following the key objectives that are in line with the Early Learning Goals for problem solving, reasoning and numeracy for reasoning & Numeracy in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) published by DFES.

KS1 and KS2 teachers use the National Curriculum Programme of Study to teach mathematics.

Our school scheme of work (medium term plan) is a working document and as such is composed of ongoing plans produced on a week by week basis. This is developed from the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.

There is a whole school consistent approach to long, medium and short term planning for mathematics.

The school has developed a consistent approach to the teaching of written calculation methods to establish continuity and progression throughout the school.

Key Stage 1

At Risley, we aim to ensure that the children develop confidence and fluency through a solid understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the related vocabulary.

In KS1 the children will also be introduced to the concept of fractions. Children will learn about

2D and 3D shapes and will develop their knowledge through drawing, sorting, comparing and

describing using vocabulary such as faces, edges, sides, square, cube, symmetry, right angles etc. The children will experience measures through a range of activities linked to length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money. By the end of KS1 the children should know their number bonds to 20, know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and have a good understanding of place

value. We aim to provide the children with plenty of practice through practical work (e.g. using objects, pictures, number lines etc.) to ensure fluency within maths.

Key Stage 2

Our aim is to build on from the work in KS1 by developing and extending children’s knowledge of the four operations.

Children’s knowledge of shape, space and measure will be developed through reasoning so they can analyse the properties of shapes and the relationships between them, measure with increasing accuracy and make links between measure and number through everyday contexts. Children are also expected to use efficient written and mental calculation methods in order to solve a range of problems. They will experience more complex concepts within these areas e.g. conversion of units of measure, calculation of area, perimeter and volume and be expected to use and understand the related vocabulary.

At Risley, we aim to incorporate all of the above key skills and knowledge across both key stages, teaching the children to apply these through a variety of problem solving activities, develop their reasoning and fluency and allow them to become competent and confident mathematicians.


  Curriculum Map for Maths



Vision and Rationale

Science is at the heart of this country's ability to continue to innovate, lead, and create jobs of the future.

At Risley, we believe that young children have a natural curiosity about the world we live in. We provide an irresistible science curriculum that fosters children’s passion for ‘working scientifically’ and for developing a secure understanding of key knowledge components and concepts. Through a hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum, children will experience the joy of having wonderful ideas, exploration and investigation – that is, the joy of finding out.

Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enables them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, correlating data and finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us.

Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Therefore, we believe that it is an entitlement of all children.

Curriculum Map for Science



Vision and Rationale

We aim to give all pupils irresistible learning opportunities & experiences so that they become computational thinkers.

By the end of KS2, we aim to ensure that all pupils are:

digitally literate i.e. they are able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

  •  They can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.
  • They can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. (Computer Science)
  • They can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems. (Information Technology)

Thus, we are ensuring all pupils are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. (Digital Literacy)

Curriculum Map for Computing




Creative Arts - including Art, Design & Technology and Music

Art provides children with the opportunity to express themselves imaginatively and creatively, in a way that is unique to us all. It contributes to the development of the whole child emotionally, socially and cognitively.

At Risley Avenue, children are encouraged and taught to become visual and emotional thinkers through drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, design, music and drama. The arts are clearly embedded in our creative curriculum.               This enables children to learn the part that the Arts play in the lives of others, in History and different cultures, and how it contributes to the creativity of our world.


Vision and Rationale

Our Art curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. This is evident throughout the walls in our school.

Art fosters a sense of personal achievement. Everyone can achieve in the Arts at Risley. These skills provide access to other areas of the curriculum and help develop motor skills, language development and decision-making. The acquisition of good basic Art skills will encourage your child to use their imagination in ways that will enrich their whole lives for now and the future.

Design & Technology

Vision and Rationale

Our Design & Technology curriculum aims to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through idealisation, creation, and evaluation. We want pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others.

We use the Kapow scheme of work for both Art and Design & Technology. This programme of study works in partnership with Artsmark and is able to support us on our continued Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.

Curriculum Map for Art and Design & Technology




Vision and Rationale

Our music curriculum focuses on high quality teaching, collaborative learning and a practical approach, which draws out musical creativity from our children. Our music curriculum is expressive and lively and motivates children to develop musical skills and knowledge through singing, learning to play instruments and performing musical ensembles.

We aim to build confidence and self-esteem through performance, using drama, knowledge of musical history and knowledge of cultures worldwide. Children will learn key skills such as patience, working with others, respect and appreciation of others.

Our music programme allows for personalised learning and great opportunities for differentiation. It exposes children to a wide range of music genres and songs from all around the world and throughout history. The scheme makes links to other areas of the curriculum such as History, P.E, and PHSE.  There are opportunities for children to express themselves through dance, creating lyrics, exploring popular themes, pop artists and games.

Curriculum Map for Music


Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) – Mandarin and French

Vision and Rationale

Our school is a multi-lingual school with many children speaking more than one language. We are committed to promoting diversity through irresistible learning, where learning is at the heart of living.  Our aim is to broaden children’s understanding of the world and develop strong, life-long linguistic skills.

At Risley, Years 3 and 4 learn Mandarin and Years 5 and 6 learn French. From this academic year, Reception classes are also learning Mandarin. There is also an after school Mandarin club for Year 1 & 2 children.

Children learn new topics and knowledge is reinforced every lesson, which is the key aspect of learning a language. Children are given plenty of opportunity to practise and therefore remember key vocabulary. This is the first step towards becoming independent as a language learner. We believe that becoming confident with a language is a platform for creativity both in and out the classroom. Within the classroom, children are encouraged to take part in role-play entirely in the target language, or to work independently to challenge their writing skills.

Our aim is to inspire our children to visualise a world in which they can live in harmony with other cultures, creating inquisitive, tolerant and understanding minds of the future.


Curriculum Map for English Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)



Physical Education (P.E.)

Vision and Rationale

 A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and a productive life

Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others. Therefore, both teachers and children should be aware of its importance.

At Risley Avenue, PE develops children's knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities.

We provide the broad and balanced programme of physical education we believe every child should have; with activities designed to be enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. Through providing positive experiences, a lifelong interest in physical activity is encouraged, as well as promoting positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle.

The range of physical activities at Risley Avenue is wide and includes sports, athletics, dance, games, cycling, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor education. We ensure that the national curriculum is followed by using the Val Sabin Scheme.


 Curriculum Map for Physical Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE)

Vision and Rationale  

We follow the new guidance of PSHE/RSE for primary maintained school, which involves learning about relationships, health and wellbeing including living in a wider world.

We believe that an effective PSHE curriculum is essential if our children, as they grow, are able to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. Therefore, the PSHE we deliver reflects the values of our school’s ethos, which is to challenge and support every child to achieve their full potential in an atmosphere of respect.

The PSHE curriculum that we provide is broad but focuses on three core themes:

  • Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing; Healthy Lifestyles, Growing and Changing, Keeping Safe
  • Theme 2: Relationships; Feelings and Emotions, Healthy Relationships, Valuing Difference
  • Theme 3: Living in the Wider World; Rights and Responsibilities, Environment, Money



Relationships Education will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships and how it influences health and wellbeing. These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life; taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of family support around them. 

Health & Wellbeing helps children to know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Children will learn about physical, mental and emotional health and how these contribute to their wellbeing. Children will be aware of safety issues in all aspects, including how to respond in an emergency. They will learn how to manage change, including puberty, transition and loss.

Living in the Wider World enables children to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to be safe, confident, healthy and happy in the modern world in which they live. We believe that this strand of PSHE including basic citizenship education will help children to become healthier, more independent, responsible and worthwhile members of society; including embracing the British Values.

Curriculum Map for P.S.H.E.

Humanities - including History, Geography & RE

Vision and Rationale

At Risley we use the ‘Opening World’ humanities curriculum to teach History, Geography and R.E. This curriculum has been designed by Haringey Education Partnership in conjunction with Christine Counsell

The programme is based securely in rich stories and a detailed ‘sense of period’ which ignites pupils’ curiosity and supports literacy skills.

Opening World promotes the subject disciplines associated with history, geography and R.E. There are also three main themes which cut across the curriculum:

  • Climate change- understanding it and being prompted to informed, responsible action on various scales
  • Multiculturalism and diversity- understanding the origins of diversity, valuing the multiple contributions, contributing positively to harmonious diverse communities, challenging racist assumptions wherever we find them
  • Social injustice- hearing the voices of the disadvantaged, the marginalised and oppressed; understanding how power can work; challenging exploitation and injustice.



Do you know where democracy came from? Did you know that history stimulates your creativity? Learning about history is learning about ourselves and where we have come from.

Pupils will learn about significant individuals and historical events that have contributed to the world. They will explore different sources, artefacts and events that paint a picture of the past and how it has influenced the present.

Pupils will be encouraged to ask questions, think critically and consider different perspectives around historical events and their impact on communities. History allow pupils to explore and respect diverse societies, customs and beliefs whilst helping them to develop their own opinions and make informed judgements.

Pupils historical knowledge and skills will be transferable across other areas of the curriculum such as Literacy, Maths, Geography, ICT and Art.

Educational visits are another opportunity for the teachers to plan for additional geography learning outside the classroom.

At Risley we learn about different historical eras that have helped to shape our current world. By exploring our past, we can help to mould our future!



What was Geography like in your school days? Was it all about boring facts and long lists? At Risley Avenue Primary School children are encouraged to investigate and explore the world around them.

Pupils study physical geographical features, diverse places and people as well as natural resources and environmental issues.  Geography is all about learning and developing our natural fascination for the world around us.

Pupils at Risley will carry out research on physical features of our planet, and how Earth’s features are shaped and changed over time. By exploring different environments and communities through project led activities, children at Risley will develop the fundamental skills and knowledge to succeed in their educational journey.

Our Geography curriculum is linked across other areas such as Literacy, Maths and Art and provides pupils with practical hands on skills around using maps and atlases. Pupils will develop geographical terminology and key vocabulary to aid them in explaining geographical processes and features.

Through cultural events at our school, children learn about other countries and develop respect and understanding of diverse communities both locally and globally.

We hope that pupils at Risley will persevere and aspire to become active learners and explorers. 


Religious Education (R.E.)

Vision and Rationale

Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. Through RE we hope to develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs, which form part of contemporary society.

Through the teaching of RE, we hope to prepare pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. Our aim is to help children and young people become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

The knowledge, skills and understanding learned will help them to discern and value truth and understanding. Thus, strengthening their capacity to make moral judgements and the ability to evaluate different types of experiences in making positive and healthy choices.

It is our intention at Risley that our RE lessons will contribute to pupils’ understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and beliefs. We hope to promote shared values and challenge racism and discrimination. In addition, pupils will develop an understanding of different religions of the world and grow tolerance and appreciation for culture, beliefs and the way of life of others.

As a school, we aim to enhance and develop pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences, which will play a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve.  

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)

At Risley Avenue Primary School, the aim of the EYFS (Nursery and Reception) is to ensure that all children thrive in a safe, secure and happy environment.  We know children learn best through a balance of focused teaching and a wide range of carefully planned independent play.  We aim to give every child a flying start to their schooling and to lay solid foundations for their future success in the primary school curriculum and beyond.

The EYFS Curriculum consists of seven ‘Areas of Learning’. Within each Area of Learning, there are sequences of developmental steps which children progress through to reach the ‘Early Learning Goals’.  These Goals are the measure of your child’s readiness for the move to Year 1. 

The Areas of Learning are divided into ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas.  Children need to be confident in the ‘Prime Areas of Learning’ before teaching in the ‘Specific Areas of Learning’ can be effective.

Prime Areas of Learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development focuses on supporting children to develop a positive sense of themselves and to have confidence in their own abilities; to form positive relationships and develop respect for the feelings and needs of others; to manage their own feelings, and to understand appropriate behaviour in groups.

At Risley we:

- ensure that each child in the Early Years has a ‘Key Worker’ – person who builds a strong and supportive relationship with them which underpins their learning at school

- develop our class and wider school rules around these key areas

 - actively engage our children in good learning behaviours

-  reward children’s efforts to take responsibility for themselves

- support children in redressing wrong choices

- keep a ‘Special Book’ for each child where work they are proud of is collected, to be shared with peers and family 

Communication and Language Development focuses on developing children’s speaking and listening skills, broadens their vocabulary, and develops a love of stories, rhymes and songs.

At Risley we:

- engage children with a wide range of rhymes, songs and stories every day

- focus on providing children with a rich and varied vocabulary so that they learn to express themselves clearly and confidently

- strongly encourage to parents to communicate with their children in the language they are most confident with

- offer parents a range of support and advice to help them further develop their children’s language skills at home

Physical Development focuses on developing children’s co-ordination, control, and movement. There is also a focus on supporting children to understand how to be healthy, encouraging good exercise and eating choices.

At Risley we:

-  want every child to be strong and healthy

- offer a balance of activities indoors and outdoors every day which promote whole body co-ordination as well as eye-hand co-ordination

- talk with children about staying healthy at times when the talk is meaningful, for example while we share our daily fruit and milk, and during our weekly PE lessons

- take part in weekly yoga sessions 

Specific Areas of Learning:

Literacy Development builds directly on the learning within ‘Communication and Language Development’ and supports children in the process of becoming confident readers and writers.   

At Risley we:

- actively seek to teaching the essential skills of reading and writing in imaginative, engaging and meaningful ways

- follow the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme which begins in the Nursery with ‘pre-reading’ and ‘pre-writing’ skills, then teaches reading and writing through phonics through Reception to Year 2  LINK??

-invite parents into class regularly to observe teaching and work with their children to develop reading and writing skills

-have a focus ‘Book of the Week’ every week, and our work across the curriculum is linked to these books. 

- are launching the ‘Power of Reading’ project in school this year. 

- monitor our children’s development in these key skills very carefully to ensure every child’s progress

Mathematical Development focuses on developing and applying a wide range of mathematical skills, knowledge and vocabulary - counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describing shapes, spaces, and measures.

At Risley we:

- know that children need rich and challenging opportunities to use their maths skills and knowledge every day

- teach maths every day

-provide indoor and outdoor maths play  for children to order numbers, explore measure and capacity in water, sand and digging areas, to play games, to compare properties of 2D and 3D shapes through a wide range of construction, to sing number songs, and to join in with meaningful counting

Understanding the World supports children to make sense of their world through observation, exploration, and investigation.  These are key skills which will be further developed by History, Geography, Computing, Science, and Religious Education as the children move into Year 1.

At Risley we:

- are a truly multi-cultural school - we wholeheartedly value the learning opportunities this opens to us all

- encourage children to share what they know about their own cultures, and to listen with respect to learn about other cultures

- celebrate important festivals in class and in assemblies

- encourage parents to visit our classes to cook, to share songs in home languages or to tell stories

- have a vegetable garden which the children look after

- are developing a ‘Mini-Beast Hotel’ to as part of our on-going learning around the seasons and our environment

- balance the children’s needs to learn from first hand experiences with their need to understand and be confident to use technology to support their learning

Expressive Arts and Design focuses on enabling children to develop skills and knowledge through art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology. 

At Risley we:

- incorporate music and movement into our daily teaching

- always have a role play area linked to either a current topic or a ‘Book of the Week’ in every classroom

- have a range of role play props in our outdoor space for children to develop their own imaginative play

- have a ‘Creation Station’ in each classroom where children can access and explore a wide range of resources independently – including, paint, glue, papers, recycled materials

- have a stage area in our outdoor space where children can have access to musical instruments, a CD player and karaoke machine