Risley Avenue

Behaviour and Expectations

Behaviour and Expectations

We have a few rules. Those we do have are to enable a large community to work safely and harmoniously together. Some rules are based on our expectations and others on respect and care for one another.

The rules of the school are shared with the children and our Code of Conduct is displayed around the school. There are rewards for good behaviour and effort and sanctions are applied when rules are broken or behaviour deemed unacceptable. These sanctions are set out in full in our Behaviour Policy.

We aim to encourage children to accept responsibility for their own actions and try to help them understand the consequences of their behaviour and the reason why certain behaviour is unacceptable.

We seek your co-operation in supporting the Behaviour Policy and we shall ask you to sign the Home/School Agreement. 

Examples of Rules:

Jewellery should not be worn at school. Children with pierced ears should wear small sleepers or studs only.

Watches have to be removed for games/PE and are the wearer’s responsibility.

Toys, Games and mobile phones should not be taken to school unless arranged with the class teacher.

Sweets, Chocolate and Chewing Gum are not allowed in school.

Dogs are not allowed on the school site.

Roller Skates/Skate Boards are prohibited.

Money is not needed in school 



  • We walk quietly around the school on the left-hand side.
  • We make sure we are in the right place at the right time.
  • We listen to the adults in the school and do as they ask the first time.
  • We help our teachers teach by being on time and prepared for our lessons.
  • We show respect by being polite, kind and helpful to each other and to adults.
  • We value the cultural and religious beliefs of others and will be respectful at all times.
  • We are careful about our belongings and other people’s and will not take what is not ours.
  • We take pride in our school and ourselves by trying our best, wearing the correct uniform and by keeping the school clean and tidy and a happy place to be.


“Risley School rewards good behaviour and effort”